Providing sustainable
NTESCO – We provide a unique portfolio of smart game-changing solutions in sustainable water use, energy and resource recovery combined with our intelligent services for a sustainable and resilient future… We has a broad experience and application know-how within a wide range of industries, designing the most appropriate solutions to reduce, reuse and recover (waste) water.
NWRO - Hyper Filtration Technology
The NWRO system is a system used to adjust the water quality to be suitable for drinking water, food and beverage production...
NTESCO HFM is one of the most prevailing processes for water and wastewater treatment. Over the past decade, this technology has experienced and proven process with rapid development under...
TD Filter
NTESCO TD- Filter is a unique designed process to meet custom primary filtration requirements. It can be used alone or ahead of other water treatment devices for widely application with specific advantages...
Intelligent mix is main propose for mix all kind of liquid solution and create floc for water treatment real time purpose “You need we mix"
Saline DAF
SALINE DAF system is a proven and effective physical/chemical technology for treating a variety of industrial and municipal process and wastewater streams: wastewater, oil refineries, chemical plants and paper mills or food & beverage industries...