1 more NHFM 20 CMH for shrimp hatchery production at Ninh Thuan – Vietnam

December 2022, Finished 1 more NHFM 20 CMH CMD for shrimp hatchery production at Ninh Thuan – Vietnam. This is first NHFM system that NTESCO installed for this client to meet the demand for their production expansion.

One of the crucial points in aquaculture was to secure bacteria-free feedwater to avoid any diseases affecting the shrimp. Also important was the reduction of antibiotics and chemicals to reduce the impact on the environment.

With a NTESCO hollow fiber membrane system (N-HFM), you can stop bacteria from entering your tanks through the feed water. Our system will protect your investment by filtering the seawater but keep the essentials to have real seawater in your tanks.

  • Natural clean seawater in your tanks
  • Filtration barrier – 0,01micron pore size
  • Less antibiotics and better yield on your batch
  • Robust & efficient solution
  • Small footprint with modular system design
  • Prepared to meet future requirements for additional capacity.
  • Corrosive-resistant system.
  • Compliance with the most stringent requirements
  • Ensure seawater quality.