On-going project: Aquaculture Water Treatment Plant Project – Ben Tre 2023: transportation and positioning of large equipment
Completed transportation and positioning of large equipment – Aquaculture Water Treatment Plant Project – Ben Tre 2023
After preparation at the workshop, NTESCO’s technical team transported large equipment, large buffer tanks… to the site the project: Aquaculture Water Treatment Plant for customers in Binh Dai – Ben Tre.
All equipment has been safely transported and accurately positioned follow the designed layout, The installation will start in November 2023.
This is the 4th project in the locality of the same investor – a leading aquaculture company in Vietnam, who trusted and choose NTESCO as the reputation contractor to supply full package: process design, equipment supply and installation.
This project includes 2 main treatment plants:
- High-tech aquaculture water treatment plant – with specialized process NAS (Natural Arithmetic System) designed by NTESCO
- Aquaculture wastewater treatment and reuse plant – NRS process (Natural Recovery System) is also researched and designed by NTESCO
After installation is completed , the project will improve production capacity as well as product quality of customers.
NTESCO is committed to strictly controlling all of process of installation and ensuring completed on schedule with safely, quality and achieve all owner’ requirement.